
Enchanted Evening

Oct 4, 2013

Enchanted Evening was displayed September 27-29 at the 2013 Asheville NC Quilt Show.  Ann drew the design in January of this year. This quilt was made in three long sections and stitched on a home sewing machine.

In February, as a guest artist of the Elly Sienkiewicz  Applique Academy, she demonstrated building the center  section.  In April, as a vendor at the Paducah Quilt Show, Ann and her assistant Rachel Smith demonstrated “No Sewing Until You Quilt It “by building the 2 side units.

In September she also submitted an article to American Quilter magazine on managing big quilts in units and how she joins the units - even those that have a curved seam.

Look for this article , hopefully in May or July of 2014. 

Happy Quilting!

"No Sewing Until You Quilt It" Blog

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