
Washed and almost ready for quilt label.

Aug 1, 2016

   The thing about using invisible thread is that you can’t see it! But after you wash it you can easily see where it needs to be “fixed”; as it ravels a bit. I have the damp quilt on my table to finish drying.

You can square a damp quilt by tugging a bit here and there, then allow to finish drying flat. I then looked for places that I missed stitching, and marked by laying a pen, stiletto, glue stick, etc on the spot.  When the quilt is dry I will mark with a straight pin. Then turn under the edges & take to the machine to stitch down.  The binding I made extra wide to make it look like a wood frame around the Rose window. The quilt hanging sleeve is on.

It is soon ready for a label!  I am rejoicing.

"No Sewing Until You Quilt It" Blog

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